Truck Routing Mobile App • UXDI Class Project • April/May 2014
• Redesign of Telogis Navigation, a GPS routing application for truck drivers and an integral component of the Telogis Fleet Tracking product suite.
• Worked directly with Telogis product managers on a team with one other UX Designer
• Project facilitated by General Assembly San Francisco during Spring 2014 UX Design Immersive Course.
• 2.5 week timeline
• Evaluate the existing Telogis Navigation experience (currently used by over 120,000 truck drivers) and redesign it for new, more modern platforms -- specifically, iOS.
• Give the application both an aesthetic and functional "facelift"
• Keep existing features mostly in tact
• All flows should be consolidated into as few screens as possible. Interface must be easily tappable from any angle (i.e., "fat-finger friendly")
• Immersing ourselves into Telogis's product suite and the companies that use it in order to deeply understand how Telogis Navigation currently functions.
• Designing an experience that serves a deeply utilitarian function for drivers and companies.
• Designing with the primary user (truck driver) and use environment (truck cabin) in mind.

Initial Research
Conducting interviews with company stakeholders was a crucial first step for redesigning Telogis Navigation for iOS. From these interviews, we learned about how the application fits within Telogis's fleet tracking product suite, how it works, and about how people interact with and feel about the product.
We were also given access to a wealth of user feedback and usability testing data, instruction manuals, and a working version of the Telogis Navigation application to play with.
We examined a number of popular navigation apps, such as Google Maps, Apple Maps, and Waze, in order to pinpoint conventions and trends with this particularly complex type of software. While we had to work within the constraints of Telogis Navigation's current feature set and functionality, this exercise helped us to discover many interaction/UI design ideas that could easily translate and implemented into the existing product.
Truck Routing Mobile App
UXDI Class Project
April/May 2014

The Redesign
After immersing ourselves in Telogis Navigation and learning its ins-and-outs, we were able to start working on our primary task: 'modernizing' the application for its translation to iOS devices.
After a few days of concepting, sketching, and gathering feedback, we decided upon a direction to take the Telogis Navigation redesign. By creating wireframes, static mockups, and interactive prototypes in Keynote, Illustrator, and Marvel, we overhauled the entire user interface and interaction design of Telogis Navigation. These deliverables were kept in a constant feedback loop with our stakeholders in order to validate our design decisions.
While we did take a few nods from highly popular and familiar navigation apps (e.g., Google, Apple, Waze), we quickly identified Telogis Navigation as a different kind of product. Among other things, it is used by an audience that is generally more tech-averse, it is often physically embedded into truck dashboards, and it is used to complete a job in the most efficient way possible -- rather than for recreational travel or everyday routing. For these reasons, the task of redesigning Telogis Navigation to act and feel more modern was a distinctly fun and difficult challenge.
Despite being assigned to keep main features and functions in tact, we also identified a few necessary changes to Telogis Navigation's information architecture. These mainly involved consolidating and re-organizing information in order to eliminate the number of screens truck drivers must navigate before they can start their route.
Final Deliverable Presentation